Workshop 2 – Kantata

In consideration of the hygiene conditions, the second workshop was held in community centres in town.
And we equipped the communities with hand washing “stations” and hand sanitizors.

The goal of ur second workshop was to identify the communities’ problems and challenges and to introduce the participants to the functions of the Raspberry Pi.
Together we established possible content and the application that can be used for its distribution according to their needs.

Since we gained such different results from the first workshop, we adapted the process of the second individually for each community.

The process of the workshop

The community of Kantata established already in te first workshop many ideas for possible content for their local network platform.
This is why we decided to now give them  a short introduction about the applications they can use and design a prototype with with proposed content with them together.

Also with this community we started the workshop off with some “Icebreakes” in form of the game “Jeu de Similarité” (Games of Similarities).
The participants build pairs of two and had to find things in common with their game partner in order to show how many similarities we actually have.
Afterwards using the “Quick and Dirty Prototyping” design thinking method the Raspberry Pi was presented to the participants. Since this method allows in a very short time a tridimensional overview of the concept the members of the community quickly gained specific ideas about their possibilities that the local network has to offer.

For the Community of Kantata we asked the following questions:

  • How can the content be accessed? les gens accèdent à notre contenue? 
  • What do you want to accomplish with the uploaded content?
  • What do you share with each other?
  • With which applications do you want to share the content?
  • In what frequency would you like to share new content?
  • What and who do we need? (video, audio, … who films, who edits, what material do we have, how often will we produce the content, …). 
  • How will me produce these contents?

After discussing those questions, we played another game to bring awareness to the concept of the network and the needed interaction for its realisation. During the game “La toile” (the web) all the participants form a circle in which one of them hold a ball of wool. This ball is being tossed from one person to the other, while each person holds on to the thread and says their name before throwing it to the next person. At the end of the game the whole ball of wool is undone and in between the players a beautiful web has unfolded itself.



The results 

The members of Kantata already had a very clear idea of which contents they would want to share on their network. They also already had thought of the application they would use to contribute those contents. They are well aware of their needs and wishes and have their own ideas what to share within their community and outside of it.

Among their needs they named human resources, such as actors, directors or scriptwriters, but also tools, such as cameras, microphones, tripods or lighting.

To manage their network, the community had already presented a plan.  They wish to establish a committee which is responsable for the validation of the content, to create a guide and criteria for the production and validation of the content. They would like to have the possibility to create user accounts that are secured with a password for each person that wants to add content to the network and free access for all users. If possible, they would also like to have a dashboard with possibilities to choose other languages.

The content the members proposed was, if possible, visit touristic paces in Togo via (3D) videos, using voice-over in the local languages with translation or subtitles in French and English. Im addition they would like to create a silent theater, a video and voice-over or images of “Edrou Loo” which is a dance and story-telling procedure around the fire. The short film “Le Chef du Quartier” (The neighbourhood-boss), which is a 30 minute two-part movie, is also something Kantata would want to upload onto their platform. They wish to offer classes to learn their local language and culture, provide information about personal success stories, quotes and advice from african and western philosophers or inspiring debate sessions with guests.
They wish to train artists in using smartphones to create their works, which then also can be uploaded. In addition, the members of Kantata want a copyright for artists, fight against discrimination, racism and ethnocentrism and want to promote awareness of the culture among students, using the local network.

It should be possible to access the local network at Daltas, their community centre, from at home, close by or if needed through the internet.

The community is ready for the production of content. Even though the participants were a little shy at the beginning of the workshop, they then became excited and participated in a very interactive and productive way.

In conclusion with the local network the community hopes to improve collaborative work, sociability, growth, promote the culture of Togo, have a platform to display products made in Togo and rethink art! 

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